What We Offer


  • Products liability (“occurrence” basis with option of “claims made” trigger if required)
  • Public / Pollution liability (“occurrence” basis)

SUPPLEMENTARY CLASSES (written in conjunction with core classes):

  • Clinical Trials
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Incidental Product Recall
  • Incidental Professional Indemnity
  • Incidental / UK Employers’ Liability


  • Primary or “excess of loss” layers
  • Direct or facultative reinsurance
What We Target

Companies engaged in the manufacturing, wholesaling or retailing of:

  • Medical products (e.g. laryngoscopes, stethoscopes, needles / syringes, laser scalpels and general surgical equipment)
  • Temporarily invasive medical equipment (e.g. urinary catheters and insulin pumps)
  • Diagnostic devices, monitoring/ investigative equipment and substances (e.g. CT scanners, x-ray equipment, pulse oximeters, dialysis machines and contrast agents)
  • Items used in a medical or therapeutic context outside the human body (e.g. support devices, plasters, dressings and surgical gloves)
  • Robotic medical equipment and dispensing machines

Why We're Different

  • Appetite for US exposures including domiciled sales and manufacturing operations
  • Ability to cover US parented companies with up to $150M of US turnover
  • Research driven methodology with close attention paid to company / government instructed product recalls, advances in technology and regulatory requested amendments to product labelling
  • Focus on longevity and depth of relationships with clients and brokers with the ability to back up formally through long term agreements (where appropriate)
  • Avoidance of permanently invasive devices allows consistent and cost effective solutions to be provided to rest of the market
Medical Device Liability Insurance

The Team

Daniel Starmer

Director of Life Science Liability

Tom Arscott


Ryan Black

Underwriting Assistant